“The sight of the peanut butter and chocolate oozing out of the cake makes me weak in the knees.” I don’t bake sweet things much. So when I do share a dessert recipe, you can be assured of two things:

  1. It’s really easy; and
  2. It is worth the effort to make. This lava cake knocks it out of the park on both counts. I used to see photos of lava cakes in gourmet magazines and just assume it was too hard. But then I was tasked with making dessert for a family dinner and a lava cake was specifically requested by someone. I was rather unenthusiastic when I started searching for recipes because I was sure it was going to require a lot of effort and science because surely a dessert that looks this impressive has to be annoyingly tedious to make. Right? “The batter for this can be made ahead which makes this a sensational desert for a fancy schmancy dinner party!” So you already know the ending to that mini story – that I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it was in fact ridiculously easy to make, and of the 15 times or so that I’ve made it since, it has never failed. Every time I make it, I almost expect it to fail and so I get really excited when I cut into it and the “molten” centre oozes out. I think that’s partly why I love this. The thrill of anticipation. The element of danger (ok, not danger. The risk of failure!). I made this with a peanut butter lava centre because the sight of peanut butter and chocolate pouring out of the cake when I cut into it makes me weak at the knees. It’s like all my favourite desserts rolled into one. Also the touch of saltiness from the peanut butter is a contrast to the rich chocolate. I was also pleasantly surprised to discover that these can be made ahead. The batter can be stored in the refrigerator for a few hours, then just bring it to room temperature and pour it into the moulds. I’ve only made it  ahead by a few hours so I’m not sure how it would be if made the day before. But even being able to make ahead a few hours is really handy when you’re entertaining. I have read in other recipes that you can refrigerate it with the batter in the moulds, but I found that the cakes stick a bit more too the mould. I have to sign off now. There’s a lava cake waiting for me. Happy cooking! – Nagi   SaveSave SaveSave

Peanut Butter Chocolate Molten Lava Cake - 34Peanut Butter Chocolate Molten Lava Cake - 25