Aren’t you just dying to know how I got that thick layer of Nutella sandwiched in the middle of a fudge-y brownie? This might be the ultimate Nutella recipe of all time!

These Nutella Brownies are OUTRAGEOUS!

I could start out with a story of why these are so good, and why you’ll love them so much and why you’ll get a serious Nutella hit with these. But let’s be honest. You just want to know how I got that neat(ish), thick layer of Nutella sandwiched in the middle of a decadent brownie, right? So let’s cut the chase. This is how I make these Outrageous Nutella Brownies.

A big, fat layer of frozen Nutella slab

That’s right. A frozen slab of Nutella, sandwiched in the middle of brownie batter. A whole jar of it. This is the same concept behind my Nutella Pancakes. Anyone for fluffy pancakes stuffed with a perfect layer of Nutella inside? 🙋🏻‍♀️

Ridiculously Decadent Nutella Recipe

You’d think I’d cut back on the chocolate in the brownie batter because we’re using a whole jar of Nutella, and the sensible side of me really wanted to. But I tried and I wasn’t happy with the outcome. Molten Nutella layer aside, I still wanted the brownie to taste good. So basically, this recipe is my classic Brownie recipe PLUS a whole jar of Nutella. (OK … So I have a few recipes that use a whole jar, like this triple Nutella whammy Nutella Cheesecake! 😂) Personal trainers everywhere are rubbing their hands with glee at all these prospective new clients….

Other methods I tried – and discarded

Some – and LOADS – of Nutella in the brownie batter. Only so much you can add without compromising the brownie texture, so it lacked real Nutella flavour; Swirling Nutella in – it worked fine, but again, just not a serious Nutella hit. In a blind taste, I bet you wouldn’t even know Nutella was in there; Nutella chips – dolloping bits of Nutella on a tray, freezing them then stirring in. I tried small and large. While it worked fine, it just didn’t have the same effect of a serious Nutella hit like sandwiching the brownie with a layer of Nutella; and Combination of the above – the least effective.

Turned out, the easiest but craziest sounding method of making a giant frozen Nutella slab that I use in my Nutella Pancakes yielded the best result.

Homemade Nutella or other Hazelnut Spreads

For pure convenience, I use a jar of Nutella in this recipe. I haven’t tried it with Homemade Nutella or other hazelnut spreads. But given the way in which this is made, I see no reason why this wouldn’t work, as long as the spread freezes into a solid slab. If not, scrape it back into the jar, have a cry, then eat it all with a spoon. – Nagi x PS Small-ish pieces are the go here. This is rich. In case you didn’t gather that from the description. If not, one look at the outrageous amount of chocolate and Nutella in the recipe should do the trick. PPS Name sake from Ina Garten’s Outrageous Chocolate Brownies. I think these Nutella Brownies are a worthy opponent.

More Nutella Recipes for Nutella Freaks

Nutella Cheesecake (no-bake!) Nutella Crepes Nutella Stuffed Pancakes Mini Nutella Cheesecakes Nutella French Toast Roll Ups (OMG these are outrageously good!)

Outrageous Nutella Brownies

Watch how to make it

Life of Dozer

I was wondering why he was being so affectionate and trying to lick my face. He NEVER does that. Then I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. And everything made sense.

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