Green Bean Salad

This is a salad I like to make when I’m planning a large menu ahead because I can prepare most of it in advance then there is very little prep on the day. The beans can be cooked a day or two ahead, the dressing made and onion chopped. Then the only thing that needs to be done on the day is chopping a tomato which is best done fresh (it goes soggy if done ahead). And – it looks great and tastes fab! Zingy lemon dressing that’s been thickened with mustard so it clings to the beans nicely. The chopped tomato and onion serves 3 purposes:

What you need

Here’s what you need:

Not the tossing sort of salad!

And here’s how to make this Green Bean Salad

Shake dressing in jar – the best way to bring a salad dressing together! Trim beans Cook beans to your taste – I like mine JUST cooked! Pat dry– otherwise the dressing won’t cling to the beans! Sprinkle tomato and onion over the beans, then drizzle dressing all over

What goes with green bean salad

This is the sort of salad that will literally go with “anything”. And I really mean it – it will go with any Western food  but will also pair really well with Asian food, Mexican, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean foods, to name a few. Even Indian food – lovely fresh flavours to cut through the heavily spiced curries! Try it on the side of Steak, or simple crispy pan seared Garlic Chicken Thighs. Serve it with Meatloaf, Bolognese, Roast Chicken, crispy Pan Fried Fish or some sticky baked country Pork Chops. I could go on and on…I really can’t think of anything this wouldn’t go with! Also, I know I said that I usually make this for large gatherings, but I also think it presents elegantly enough to appear on a dinner party table too! Not that I’m known for elegant dinner parties. I’m more of a rustic-food-large-platters sort of girl. 😂 – Nagi x

Watch how to make it

Originally published May 2015. Updated November 2019 with brand new photos, new writing and new video! No change to recipe.

Life of Dozer

He’s such a user – he only loves me when there’s food around!!

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